We stock the full range of Thermo King authentic, compatible, and reconditioned transport refrigeration spare parts.
Although we strive to keep our product catalogue as up to date as possible, contact us telephonically or via our mailing form below should you fail to find the parts that you require. Where any Thermo King products listed in the attached catalogue bear the symbol ▲ next to the line item, these products bear the Thermo King trademark and have been imported without the approval or licence of the registered owner of the trademark. Where the products do not bear the symbol ▲, these are compatible products. Reconditioned Thermo King products are separately listed in our catalogue.
ATP Cool Refrigeration Parts shall provide their own guarantee or warranty in respect of the Thermo King products. No guarantee or warranty in respect of these products will be honoured or fulfilled by any official or licenced importer of such products.
- Belts
- Filters
- Pumps
- Hoses
- Alternators and Starters
- Miscellaneous Thermo King spares
- Engine Parts
- Compressor Parts